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Roll-Over Valve Cleaning procedure
Roll-Over Valve Cleaning procedure
If you notice that your Roll-Over shut-off valve is closing more slowly than before or in some cases not closing at all. It?s possible for the valve to collect oil/water vapor sludge over time, usually on higher mileage installations. The valve can be cleaned using the following procedure and applies to all Roll-Over shut-off valves.
1: Remove the Roll-Over shut-off valve from the snowmobile. Using a common household cleaner/degreaser such as Simple Green or Formula 409, spray the cleaner into both fittings. Place the valve so that the solenoid end of the valve is pointing downwards and allow the cleaner to soak/flow down into the solenoid end for approximately
10 to 15 minutes.
IMPORTANT: Do not use harsh chemicals such as brake or carb cleaners. They can swell up the valve piston seal and permanently damage the valve.
2: Flush the cleaner out by running warm/hot water through the fittings. Place your fingers over valve fittings to capture the warm water inside the valve and rapidly shake the valve. Re-rinse the valve by running warm/hot tap water through the fittings. Allow the valve to dry out with the solenoid end pointing upwards. Once the valve has dried, you should be able to hear the small piston inside the valve "rattle" when the valve is shaken back and forth.
If the piston now rattles when the valve is shaken, the valve is sufficiently clean and step 3 below may be skipped if desired. For valves that have a heavy build up of sludge, WD 40 may be used to soften up sticky sludge deposits using the procedures outlined in step 3.
3: Leaving the valve disconnected from the hoses at this time, connect the electrical connector to the valve. Turn the key on and pull the tether cord to close the valve. Note: for valves with a heavy build up of sludge, a couple light taps on the solenoid end of the valve may be required. With the valve closed, spray a small amount of WD40 into the ?longer? fitting (upper fitting on Apex valves) and position the valve so that the solenoid end is facing downwards and turn off the key so that the valve opens. The goal is to allow the WD40 to work its way down into the solenoid piston area to loosen up any deposits and lube the piston. Let it soak for a few minutes then place a rag under the valve to catch any excess WD40, rotate the valve so that the solenoid end is facing up.
4: Turn the ignition key on with the tether cord pulled to close the valve. Leaving the tether cord pulled, cycle the key on and off several times to open and close the valve, checking it for proper operation.
5: Reconnect the Roll-Over Valve to the hoses, making sure that the ?short? fitting is connected to the oil tank side on
CAUTION: On all snowmobiles, the shut off valve is DIRECTIONAL and MUST be installed correctly. DO NOT INSTALL THE VALVE BACKWARDS. Please refer to the installation instructions and photo gallery pages on this website for proper shut off valve installation direction and angle for your snowmobile.
CAUTION: On all snowmobiles, the shut off valve is DIRECTIONAL and MUST be installed correctly. DO NOT INSTALL THE VALVE BACKWARDS. Please refer to the installation instructions and photo gallery pages on this website for proper shut off valve installation direction and angle for your snowmobile.
Tether switch (original style)
Tether switch (original style)
Two or three times a season, I like to rotate the plunger of the switch. This can be done by simply gripping the Orange cover on the plunger and rotating it 3 to 4 turns, both with the tether cord clipped and un-clipped. This cleans the brass contact disc inside the switch to ensure a good clean connection.
Tether switch (OEM Arctic Cat)
Tether switch (OEM Arctic Cat)
Once a season add a small amount of Sil-glide (silicone grease) or dielectric compound to the center plunger seal and rubber cap.